During the holiday season our digestive system suffers from the stress of the holidays, the long nights, and especially the abundant meals. Here our home GP for indigestion in Costa del Sol advises on how to be good to your gut these days.
A full stomach puts extra pressure on the small valve that keeps stomach acid out of the oesophagus. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid overeating and eat smaller portions even though it is almost mission impossible even for James Bond himself.
It is also recommended to avoid falling asleep after dinner or to minimize nighttime chewing. Our home GP for indigestion in Costa del Sol explains that the mere fact of lying down or in some horizontal position for the body, can cause the acid to enter the oesophagus causing discomfort and that feeling of acidity
You must choose wisely at the buffet table where you will sit so that you don't run into enemy foods that you know will upset you.
Adding a little exercise to your holiday list will help your stomach move. After heavy meals, walk if possible. Similarly, forget the lift and use the stairs. But don't exercise excessively after a meal or at least do it 1 hour from the last intake or on an empty stomach.
Another factor that can affect stomach irritation is cigarettes. Don't smoke before you eat or right after.
Opt for a non-irritating drink because caffeinated, carbonated and alcoholic drinks all contribute to heartburn.
Opt for options such as applesauce or chicken broth instead of butter to bake the turkey or meat, or substitute roasting for baking. This will help reduce the fat in your holiday recipes.
Without you even noticing it, tight clothing puts pressure on your stomach. This can cause the food you eat to rise up into your oesophagus.
There is no need to worry about mild indigestion as it does not bring any major risks. Consult our home GP for indigestion in Costa del Sol if discomfort persists for more than two weeks after the holidays. If you suffer severe pain accompanied by the following symptoms, contact our doctor immediately:
It is recommended to seek urgent health care if: