The majority of cases of chickenpox do not require any specialised medical treatment. However, issues can occasionally arise. Here we talk about the normal symptoms of chickenpox and when to call our Home GP in Marbella.
The virus that causes chickenpox is known as varicella-zoster. It results in a rash that is itchy, with small blisters that are filled with fluid. People who have never had chickenpox or who have not been immunised against it are at a high risk of spreading the disease to others. Children can now be protected from getting chickenpox thanks to vaccines that are readily available. The vaccination against chickenpox is an efficient and risk-free method of protecting against that disease and any complications that may arise from it.
The rash of itchy blisters and vesicles that is caused by an infection with chickenpox typically appears between 10 and 21 days after exposure to the virus and lasts for approximately five to ten days. Other typical signs and symptoms include the following, and they might appear one to two days before the rash does:
The chickenpox rash progresses through three stages once it appears:
You may experience all three stages of the rash at the same time, which is possible because new bumps continue to appear even after several days have passed. These stages include blisters, scabbed lesions, and bumps. The virus can be passed on to other people up to forty-eight hours before the rash appears, and it will continue to be contagious until all broken blisters have crusted over and the virus has run its course.
In children who are otherwise healthy, the disease is typically not severe. In severe cases, the rash can cover the entire body, and lesions can form in the throat, eyes, and the mucous membranes of the urethra, anus, and vagina. In addition, the rash can spread to other mucous membranes throughout the body.
Call our Home GP for chickenpox in Marbella if you or your child are experiencing symptoms that resemble those of chickenpox. Chickenpox can typically be diagnosed by looking at the rash and taking into consideration any other symptoms that may be present. If necessary, your doctor can also prescribe medications to treat complications caused by chickenpox as well as to lessen the severity of the chickenpox itself. When you call ahead for an appointment, make sure to mention that you or your child may have chickenpox. This will prevent you from infecting other people who are waiting in the waiting room.
Also, make sure to call our Home GP for chickenpox in Marbella if any of the following apply to you: