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Home doctor service to aid surgical recovery in Costa del Sol

Home doctor service to aid surgical recovery in Costa del Sol

There is a requirement for a healing time following every operation. That will require intensive physical therapy for some individuals. For some, it may be a case of resting for a couple of days. Whatever your healing requires, it is important to seek the recommendations of your medical staff or health care provider to get back to your regular life as quickly as possible. In here you will find some advices about how to recover at home and everything you need to know about our home doctor service to aid surgical recovery in Costa del Sol.


You will make your recovery at home a lot easier if you take a little time to prepare accordingly, so ask our doctor what you're not going to be able to do at first when you're recovering, so that you can plan your living space in advance.


Do I need to make some adjustments to my house?

You will need to make some adjustments depending on what type of operation you've had. If it's complex, like a or a stomach surgery or a joint replacement, you might need to change a few things:



If you live in a house with more than a floor and can't walk up and down after the surgery, you may need to make some adjustments. For example, if your bedroom is upstairs, you might need to sleep on the lower floor for a while. Make sure your bed is in the right place before you go to the hospital, or check into to find a hospital bed if you need one.


Stock your pantry

Before surgery ask the doctor if you need to adhere to a particular diet and make sure you have the right food before you get back home. Since you may feel exhausted during your recovery, we also recommend that you cook a few meals before your surgery and place them in the freezer.



Following any sort of surgery, you're going to need to get extra equipment at home. Prepare ahead if your doctor advises you that you will need any equipment like raised toilets or oxygen tank when you go back home. Get in contact with the insurance provider to see if these equipments are part of your insurance coverage.


How can I stay safe at home?

During an operation, you need to be careful of falling, as usually individuals tend to feel dizzy after an operation. You may require a walker or crutches to reduce the chance of falling. Also use the following suggestions to avoid stumbling:

  • Sleep in a bedroom near a bathroom.
  • Place night lights in hallways.
  • Get rid of the clutter in your home.
  • Wear flat shoes or slippers.


When to use our home doctor service to aid surgical recovery in Costa del Sol

Surgery may be a huge deal, as it will drain your vitality for days or weeks to come. You may need some help from your family or call our home doctor service to aid surgical recovery in Costa del Sol.

Make arrangements in advance if your surgeon recommends getting our home doctor service to aid surgical recovery in Costa del Sol. Be sure you prepare your first appointment before you leave the hospital or if you didn't schedule a visit yet, contact us now.