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Swollen lymph nodes - GP service for swollen lymph nodes in Fuengirola

GP service for swollen lymph nodes in Fuengirola

Swollen lymph nodes are typically a common sign of infection, but may also be a sign of a medical condition, such as an immune deficiency or, in rare cases, a form of cancer. In this article, we look at the causes of swollen lymph nodes and when to call our GP service for swollen lymph nodes in Fuengirola.


What are swollen lymph nodes?

Fluids, waste products, and dangerous germs are gathered and filtered from the lymph nodes. Hundreds of lympth nodes are present in the human body. The key lymph nodes that people can see or feel are found: 

  • Beneath the Jaw 
  • Each side of your neck 
  • Underneath the armpits 
  • Located on either side of the groin 

Until eventually finding its way back to the lung, lymph fluid passes in and out of the lymph nodes across the body. By doing that o, it can be absorbed and capture toxic matter, like bodily waste products, viruses and bacteria. Fluid  is then removed by the lymph nodes  and, along with salts and proteins, is released into the bloodstream again. 

Lymph nodes often produce immune cells that, by targeting the germs that the lymph fluid of the body has accumulated, help combat infection. 

When an individual has a temporary infection, the lymph nodes can swell. As a result of immune cell activity,  swelling occurs in the lymph nodes.


Is it swollen lymph nodes?

If you have the following symptoms you most probably have swollen lymph nodes and you may need the help of our GP service for swollen lymph nodes in Fuengirola.

The symptoms that are most common are: 

  • In your lymph nodes, tenderness or discomfort 
  • Swelling that makes the lymph nodes the size or probably larger of a kidney bean 

Since swollen lymph nodes are typically related to some form of disease, depending on what the disease is, you might also have other symptoms: 

  • Runny nose, fever, or sore throat (caused by an upper respiratory infection) 
  • Swelling of lymph node clusters in various locations in the body (caused by infection or a disorder of the immune system, such as rheumatoid arthritis) 
  • Hard lymph nodes that won't pass or get bigger quickly (signs of some forms of cancer)

Causes of Swollen Lymph Nodes

Lymphocytes, which are immune cells, have lymph nodes. Viruses, bacteria , and other things that can provoque illnesses are targeted by them.Human body generates more of those immune cells when it is fighting against dangerous germs, causing swelling. 

All sorts of germs come over the lymph nodes, so they can be swollen for a variety of reasons. It's normally something that is reasonably easy to handle, such as: 

  • A virus, like a cold 
  • An infection due to a bacteria like a skin, tooth or ear infection. 

It may be a more extreme disease but less often. They can contain: 

  • An illness that normally affects the lungs, tuberculosis 
  • A issue, like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, with your immune system 
  • Certain cancer types, including: 
    • Lymphoma, a lymphatic cell cancer 
    • Leukemia, blood cancer


When to call our GP service for swollen lymph nodes in Fuengirola

Call our GP service for swollen lymph nodes in Fuengirola if you notice these things about your swollen glands:

  • Glands that quite quickly swelled up 
  • Glands that are far bigger, not just slightly swollen, than they should be 
  • When you press on them, glands that feel hard or don't move 
  • Glands that remain swollen in children for more than 5 days, or in adults for 2 to 4 weeks 
  • The surrounding region of the glands turns red or purple 
  • Swelling in the arm or in the groin 
  • Sudden weight loss 
  • A fever that is not going anywhere 
  • Sweats at Night