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Recovering from mini-stroke at home - GP service for mini stroke recovery in Fuengirola

GP service for mini stroke recovery in Fuengirola

While a mini stroke does not lead to permanent problems, it is also a sign of an imminent full stroke. In fact, in the coming year of experiencing a mini stroke, 1 in 5 patients will suffer a true stroke. Thus, prevention and early care are important. In this article you will find everything you need to know about mini strokes and our GP service for mini stroke recovery in Fuengirola.


What is a mini stroke?

A mini stroke, also known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA), happens when a temporary clot of blood is formed in one of the brain arteries. This causes symptoms similar to strokes which resolve within 24 hours and do not cause lasting side effects.

What are the difference between the mini stroke and the stroke?

The causes of strokes and min-strokes (transient ischemic attack, TIA) are the same, but leakage or blockage of blood flow in mini-strokes is temporary, and blood flow returns spontaneously. Blood flow isn't returning naturally in most strokes.

Many mini-strokes produce transient symptoms, while most strokes produce long-lasting symptoms, and cause permanent disability.


Is it a mini stroke?

Mini-strokes and full strokes have the same symptoms. Our GP service for mini stroke recovery in Fuengirola explains that the best way to know if it's a stroke is to take into account the acronym F.A.S.T, to note the signs:

  • Face. Face numbness and drooping, typically on one side
  • Arm. Arm weakness
  • Speech. Slurred speech or difficulty finding words
  • Time. Seek emergency treatment immediately

Other common signs include loss of vision and a severe sudden headache. Mini stroke symptoms will last between 15 minutes and 24 hours.

Since mini-strokes have the same symptoms as serious strokes, it's not possible to know whether you're experiencing a temporary ischemic attack or anything more serious. Therefore care by our GP service for mini stroke recovery in Fuengirola as early as possible is important.

GP service for mini stroke recovery in Fuengirola

Mini-strokes easily resolve and lead to full recovery. However, while mini strokes themselves aren't life-threatening incidents, in the near future they will significantly increase a person's risk of a more severe stroke.

Patients who experience a TIA should then take appropriate action to resolve any risk factors for strokes that they may have. If you can make these crucial changes early enough, then you can increase your odds of completely surviving a full stroke.


It is important to tackle the most common risk factors of stroke after a mini stroke. These factors include:

  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • High cholesterol
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Chronic stress

Fortunately, you can control most of these variables by making minor improvements to your lifestyle, and reduce the risk of a second stroke. Such improvements which are often recommended by our GP service for mini stroke recovery in Fuengirola include:

  • Limit your salt and fat intake
  • Eat a balanced diet, such as a Mediterranean diet
  • Practice regular cardio exercise
  • Quit smoking
  • You might also require medications to help get your high blood pressure or diabetes under control.