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How to clear mucus from chest - GP for chesty cough in Fuengirola

GP for chesty cough in Fuengirola

Some mucus in the chest is natural, and having too much mucus from time to time is typically not a cause for concern. But if you find yourself getting a lot of chest congestion on a regular basis, or if it is accompanied by other symptoms, you should visit a doctor. Here we give some remedies to get rid of mucus from the chest and when to call our GP for chesty cough in Fuengirola.

Remedies to clear mucus from chest

If you have a chesty cough, you can use the following methods to relieve symptoms and get rid of irritating mucus:

1. Warm fluids

Staying hydrated helps to thin mucus. This makes it easier to expel by coughing. Hot beverages provide immediate and sustained relief from congestion and any accompanying symptoms, such as chills, a nagging cough, sneezing or a sore throat.

2. Steam

Maintaining a humid environment might help to release mucus and decrease congestion and coughing. If you have a chesty cough and have trouble sleeping, you may benefit from using a humidifier at night.Keep windows and doors closed to enhance the impact.

3. Saltwater

Gargling with a salt-warm water mixture can help clear mucus and phlegm from the back of the throat and relieve symptoms.

In a cup of warm water, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt and stir until the salt is completely dissolved. Gargle with saltwater and allow it to rest at the back of your throat for a few moments. Repeat as required throughout the day.

4. Honey

Honey is a common home treatment with antiviral and antibacterial effects. 1 spoonful of honey every 3 to 4 hours can relieve the symptoms. If your child is under 12 months old, honey is not recommended.

5. Foods and herbs

The following foods are often used to treat coughs, colds, and mucus buildup:

  • Ginger
  • garlic
  • lemon
  • some spices 

Our doctor recommends the following treatments to treat respiratory viruses that may be causing excess mucus::

  • Echinacea
  • Ginseng
  • berries
  • guava
  • pomegranate
  • zinc
  • licorice root

Before considering new supplements, if you use prescription medicines, consult with our GP for chesty cough in Fuengirola first.

6. Elevate the head

If a buildup of mucus in the chest is interfering with sleep, elevating the head with extra pillows may help. Elevation encourages mucous drainage while also reducing coughing and pain.

Medical treatments

Home treatments are frequently used to alleviate chest congestion, however they may not work for everyone. Sometimes over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription medications are necessary.

Coughs and congestion can be significantly relieved with vapor rubs.

Decongestants can help to decrease mucus in the chest area. 

A nasal decongestant spray may be advised if there is additional congestion in the nose. Nasal decongestants should not be used for more than three days at a time since they produce rebound effects.

When to call our GP for chesty cough in Fuengirola

Call our GP for chesty cough in Fuengirola if you have extra mucus in your chest for more than three days or if your congestion suddenly worsens. If your mucus is green or yellow in color, please call us too.

Call our GP for chesty cough in Fuengirola immediately if your chest congestion is accompanied by chest pain, breathing difficulties, fever, wheezing or you’re coughing up blood.