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Best way to deal with food poisoning - Fuengirola GP advice for food poisoning

Fuengirola GP advice for food poisoning

The very first thing you desire when you have food poisoning is comfort. Depending on  what caused you to get sick you will present different symptoms, although at least you typically suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, and an active stomach. It's not comfortable, but that's the way your system has to knock the toxins out and relieve pain. You can't do much except sit by a toilet and let it out. But when you recuperate, you should take some action to sustain yourself. Here is our Fuengirola GP advice for food poisoning. 

About food poisoning

When you consume tainted food you can suffer from different diseases such as food poisoning. It's not typically dangerous, and without medication, most cases get well within a couple of days. 

In very many food poisoning outbreaks, the food is contaminated by certain bacteria such as Escherichia coli (E. coli) or salmonella or a virus like norovirus.

Signs and symptoms

Food poisoning symptoms typically begin around a couple of days of consuming infected foods, but they may begin from a few hours to several weeks later at any time. 

Among the major signs are: 

  • Muscles that are aching 
  • Chills 
  • Throwing up   Feeling ill (nausea) 
  • Appetite Loss 
  • A shortage of energy and vulnerability 
  • Elevated temperature (fever) 
  • Cramps in the stomach and pelvic pain 
  • Diarrhoea, which may include mucus or blood

In several cases, in a couple of days, these symptoms should pass and you will make a complete recovery.


Fuengirola GP advice for food poisoning - What to do at home

Vomiting and diarrhea can really toss away the equilibrium of electrolytes and fluids from your organism. Minerals like potassium or sodium are electrolytes that help with your internal homeostasis. In other words, everything from keeping your pulse steady to regulating the amount of  water that is in your body. Our Fuengirola GP advice for food poisoning is to drink plenty of fluids. If you find it necessary, begin with ice chunks or little sips. It is indeed good to: 

  • During the first few hours, stop eating food while your belly calms down. 
  • Stay hydrated, with broth, water or an electrolyte solution replacing the minerals with those you lose due to vomiting or diarrhea. 
  • When you feel able, consume some food starting with non-fatty and bland foods like rice, crackers and toasts in low quantities. 
  • Take long breaks for yourself.
  • Keep away from beer, milk, bubbly fizzy drinks, caffeine or spicy and fatty foods, all of which can make it worse.

When to see our Fuengirola GP for food poisoning

You should contact your Fuengirola GP for food poisoning if you:

  • have a chronic illness, such as diabetes, kidney disease, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or heart valve disease.
  • present a weak immune system – for example, because of medication, cancer treatment or HIV
  • are older than 60
  • are suffering from extreme dehydration, such as a rapid heartbeat, confusion, sunken eyes and very little or no urine
  • are feeling worse or your symptoms don’t improve after some days – for example, if you can’t to keep down any liquids due to constant vomiting 
  • your baby or young child has suspected food poisoning
  • are in a pregnancy period

In these cases, our GP may send off a fecal sample in order to analyse it and be able to prescribe the correct antibiotics.