Allergy and Immunology Services
The study by a specialist in Allergy Reaction is essential in order to understand the root cause of the allergy and if necessary, take action to control and treat the symptoms and avoidance of such symptoms.
Allergy is not a disease that only affects adults. It may affect children from early childhood through at any age in adult patients. Infant allergy predominantly occurs as rhinitis and asthma. Food allergies such as intolerance to milk, eggs, nuts, shellfish, etc. require diagnosis and monitoring by the specialist, because the unnecessary removal of such food diet affects the growth of children.
The portfolio of services offered by the Allergy and Clinical Immunology Unit at Helicopters Sanitarios:
- Paediatric (infant) Allergy
- Adolescent Allergy
- Adult Allergy
- Asthma and Rhinitis allergies related to pollens, mites, fungi and animal dander. (Rhinorrhoea, constant sneezing, nasal blockage, runny eyes, itching and oropharyngeal occlusion ie breathing difficulty.)
- Hives and angioedema
- Allergy to various medication
- Food allergy
- Atopic dermatitis
- Allergy to Hymenopterans (wasps and bees)
Allergy test
- A Prick test and Prick-Prick test can be performed for allergens such as pollen, dust mites, mould, animal dander, foods (nuts, milk, egg, fish, shellfish), etc.
- An allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) blood test may be done to check whether a person is allergic to a particular substance.
- Patch test: for the study of contact dermatitis.
- Respiratory function tests: simple and bronchodilator spirometry to rule out pulmonary pathology.
- Provocation or tolerance assessment: for food allergies and medications.
Allergy test
- Aerosol therapy
- Immunotherapy: In the case of respiratory diseases including allergic rhino conjunctivitis and asthma, we can also offer the possibility of immunotherapy or "vaccination" against allergens after an allergy study has defined those that are causing the symptoms.
- According to the World Health Organization (WHO), specific immunotherapy is the only treatment capable of modifying the natural course of the disease, allowing the symptoms to improve or disappear. It involves administration of progressively increasing concentrations of an allergen, up to a maximum pre-set dose, which may be maintained for a period of approximately three to five years.